Bodyworn 500
Secure real-time video streaming over 2G/3G/4G and WIFI
Wireless Surveillance
Know where assets are deployed and see what they see with ultra-reliable video streaming and live GPS data from an integrated BW500 camera, even when network conditions are poor. With our body worn video-streaming solution there is no need to wait for a camera to return to base, hours after other footage is already spread on social media, or be restricted by limited video export options.
EdgeVis Bodyworn offers real-time situational awareness with secure, live streaming over 2G/3G/4G and WiFi from anywhere, anytime. With the world’s leading platform for video distribution over limited bandwidth networks, you control the data and can view in your VMS (including Milestone), or on an EdgeVis-enabled device.
Access Live Video Streams
EdgeVis Bodyworn provides access to live video streams or recorded video while personnel are still out in the field – putting decision-makers in control and enabling an immediate response.
In-Car Dash Cam
With simple fittings, this device can also be used as a fully functional dash cam in moving vehicles. With the BW500, drivers are not only covered when on the road by mounting the device as a dashcam, but also when out of the vehicle on foot. Doubling up as an in-car system, helps to improve the safety and accountability of front-line teams by delivering valuable insight.

Key Features
- Encrypted Live streaming over cellular (2G/3G/4G) and WIFI
- Ultra-resilient, real-time video and audio streaming over cellular, from as low as 9Kbps
- End-to-end government-grade security
- Control of data costs – around 60% less bandwidth used compared to other standards-based systems
- Emergency alert button with live GPS location and mapping
- Capture, enhance and share operational data such as stills and video in real time even when network conditions are poor
- Extract high-res images to scrutinise individuals/areas of interest
- View video from anywhere and view multiple feeds at one time
- Easily scalable from one bodyworn asset to unlimited devices
- Fully auditable Evidence Management System
- Designed for easy integration into third-party systems
- Software upgradable to add facial recognition
- Flexible model – cloud or self-hosted